Sunday 5 February 2017

Choosing A Topic

After carefully considering the two topics of vaccinations among health care workers, and vaccinations in people with compromised immune systems, I have chosen the topic of vaccinations among health care workers. I chose this topic based on the availability of results on the topic within the American Journal of Public Health over the last 10 years.
The main article from the American Journal of Public Health that convinced me that vaccinations among health care workers was a better topic is entitled “Requiring Influenza Vaccination for Health Care Workers”. This article really focuses on the ethics of having health care workers vaccinated for influenza within a professional setting for professional reasons and protection. The implications of many different efforts in order to increase these vaccinations were observed and evaluate. This even included mandatory influenza vaccinations for health care workers. However, the conclusion of the article was that health care workers may feel more inclined to get the influenza vaccination if there was a program incentive or sanction, rather than requiring a mandatory vaccination which could have any ethical hindrance in the office.

Wang, E., Clymer, J., Davis-Hayes, C., & Buttenheim, A. (2014). Nonmedical Exemptions From School Immunization Requirements: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Public Health,104(11). doi:10.2105/ajph.2014.302190

Anikeeva, O., Braunack-Mayer, A., & Rogers, W. (2009). Requiring Influenza Vaccination for Health Care Workers. American Journal of Public Health,99(1), 24-29. doi:10.2105/ajph.2008.136440

Below is a picture of where I left off in my search within the American Journal for Public Health. This is where I would like to pick up my search when I go back to researching my topic.